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Some of us have a lot of text data we don’t know how to analyse – customer complaints, verbatim customer feedback comments, descriptions in deviations or events data, repair or breakdown reports are just a few examples.

We want to find common themes, patterns, trends but we don’t have the time, effort, or process to manually read hundreds or thousands of paragraphs to pull out the useful information – so we don’t make good use of all this valuable information.

The good news is that the latest version of JMP®– the analytical software package we use in Process Insight – has some great new Text Exploration and Analysis capability.

So – here is the deal. If you have a business problem where better text analysis would help I am looking for good real world examples to see what we can find. If you are willing to share your data with me, under confidentiality if necessary, then we can explore together to demonstrate “proof of concept” from the approach. This initial exploratory work would be gratis – if it proves useful then obviously we can discuss how you might want to take it forward.

A couple of examples of the use of Text Explorer:
Engineering example (4 min video)
Analysis of customer complaints data (15 mins video)

So have a think and let me know. Call me, Andrew, on 07785 927144 or e-mail me – I’m keen to help you get text exploring and its ‘first come first served’!

For any questions please contact us –
Andrew Ruddick on 07785 927144
Andy Liddle on 07860 622166.

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