Case studies
See how we have helped clients across many sectors solve their business problems and deliver tangible benefits

Global insulin manufacturer looking for 30% reduction in cost and 25 % increase in output. Executive team convinced that solution was better capacity utilisation and not further capital investment.

- Identify improvement opportunities
- Design Opex Roadmap
- Develop internal Opex and CI skills
- High level value stream mapping (VSM) of supply chain processes – drove focus
onto aseptic production, assembly, and packaging - Detailed VSM which identified over 100 improvement opportunities
- Benefit/effort matrix used to focus on 5 critical issues
- Opex Roadmap developed setting 2 year improvement agenda and Governance
- Training Programme and Improvement projects Launched
- Coaching of project leads to ensure benefits delivery and skills transferred
- Significant production volume increase with no capital
- Batch record right first time from 48% – 72% -reduced delays
- OEE increase in bottleneck process(assembly) from 65% -72%
- Simplified production planning and Kanban replenishment
- Visual management and ‘lean daily management system’ introduced – rapid response
to issues
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